
An early Holy Week

Led by John Pritchard

We can sometimes miss the opportunity to be personally absorbed into the events of Holy Week, especially if we are tasked with leading liturgy for others or have family commitments over the holiday weekend. This retreat offers just such a focus 2 weeks ahead of our collective calendar. It will be a silent retreat with talks and reflections as we feel our way into the deep themes of the coming week. Music and poetry will enrich the journey. There will be some 1:1 sessions available with the leader, daily liturgy and at least one celebration of Holy Communion. 

John Pritchard continues his ministry as author and retreat leader since retiring as Bishop of Oxford.

This event is open to everyone.

Arrival: 3 - 5pm Mon 31st March 2025
Departure: 10am Fri 4th April 2025

Residential - £550 (20% ministry discount)