
Wellbeing ...

Led by Simon Parke

... when nothing is well

We speak so often of "wellbeing" these days, the word has become like wallpaper – too familiar to mean anything. 

So what does wellbeing mean? And how can I be well when so much around me is unwell? 

This retreat will give space for us to reflect on what personal wellbeing might look and feel like in our troubled circumstances. 

  • A foolish pipe dream? 
  • A navel-gazing indulgence?
  • Or the greatest gift we can offer the world?

This will be a silent retreat with daily addresses and liturgy. There may be structured discussion at the end of some sessions – if so, there will be opportunity to leave if you don’t want to take part.

Simon Parke is a freelance author, speaker, consultant. He was a priest in the Church of England for twenty years. Having published a book on Julian of Norwich he is now working on a stage production of his "All Shall be Well" musical

Simon's website

This event is open to everyone.

Arrival: 3 - 5pm Mon 21st August 2023
Departure: 10am Fri 25th August 2023

Residential - £530 (20% ministry discount)